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Fume Control Welding Fume

Welding Fume Whitepaper - Latest research proves welding fumes can cause cancer

Alarming new medical findings prove that exposure to welding fumes can cause lung cancer and possibly kidney cancer. Find out more...

In 2019, new welding fume guidance was issued because new scientific evidence from the International Agency for Research on Cancer found that exposure to mild steel welding fume can cause lung cancer and possibly kidney cancer in humans.

Some welders are skilled professionals who spend most of their working days doing nothing but welding; others are non- specialists for whom welding may be only an occasional task. In any case, all workers undergoing welding activity need to be aware of the associated health risks and the controls that should be used to protect themselves and others.

Download our whitepaper to understand how the HSE have changed their enforcement expectations in relation to the control of exposure of welding fume.

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