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Noise Hazard Icon


Sound insulation, sound barriers and noise enclosures.

Noise at work can lead to serious health risks for both your workers and the wider public. Excessive noise can make warnings harder to hear, interfere with communications and lead to a range of long-term medical conditions.

Equipment Range

Capture, Contain, Control.

The 3C’s® is a proven methodology, devised by the RVT Group, to ensure effective control of all on-site health hazards.


Machinery such as breakers, pneumatic tools, generators, and demolition equipment can easily breach the maximum noise levels defined by HSE. Contractors, therefore, need to install noise barriers to ensure that they are not only protecting other works on-site but also protecting surrounding businesses and members of the public.


Failure to provide adequate noise control will not only land you in hot water with the HSE and local authorities, but negligence could also leave you open to lawsuits presented by those working or living within close proximity. Claims could arise for, hearing loss, tinnitus, disturbed sleep, mental health issues, impaired memory, reduced quality of life and loss of earning.


RVT believes that effective noise control can be managed in three easy steps:

  1. Capture the hazard - Position the acoustic barrier close to the noise source (fully enclosing it if possible) to maximise the acoustic shadow area.
  2. Contain the hazard - Block the line of sight by ensuring the noise barrier is seamless. You may wish to consider whether an enclosure would be more suitable for fully containing the noise.
  3. Control the hazard - Use high quality noise barriers, with high sound attenuation, to absorb excessive noise. Screening reflective surfaces like walls may also help to reduce noise bouncing the sound over the barriers.

Why Soundex® is the original & preferred solution

Fire Resistant Icon

Fire Resistant

Soundex products are made entirely from fire resistant materials, independently tested and certified by a third part approval body.

Velcro Connection Icon

Velcro Connected

The patented Soundex design incorporates an ingenious velcro connection enabling faster installation and the construction of virtually unbroken noise barriers.

Scaffolding Compliant Duct Runs

Scaffolding Compliant

Soundex acoustic barriers are certified to conform with BS7955 making them suitable suspension scaffolding and many other structures, fences or hoardings.

Waterproof Icon

Weather Resistant

The Soundex range incorporates water resistant technologies of the highest integrity making them safe to suspend from secondary structures.

Noise Control Icon

High Attenuation

Independently tested and certified to BS EN standards, Soundex® offers the highest attenuation in the industry with noise reduction up to 59.9dB

Easy to Install Icon

Easy to Assemble

Our patented design incorporates an ingenious Velcro connection which enables the construction of a virtually unbroken noise barrier.

Safety First Icon


The Soundex range of products utilises non-irritant materials making them safe to handle without the need for extra protective clothing.

Fully Approved Icon

Manufactured in the UK

All Soundex products are manufactured to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards in the UK, ensuring that the highest standards of product quality are maintained.

Trusted By

  • Skanska Client Logo
  • Kier Client Logo
  • Galliford Try Client Logo
  • Bam Client Logo
  • Barhale Client Logo
  • Babcock Client Logo

“RVT provide some excellent products that vastly improve the working environment and safety on construction projects, combined with fantastic educational resources to help to enhance knowledge around safety, health and environment.”

Speller Metcalfe Contracts Manager
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Become a Soundex® distributor

RVT's range of Soundex equipment is installed world-wide thanks to our network of distributors

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Do you have a challenge on site? Enter your details below to get expert advice from a hazard control specialist.

  • All solutions are fully compliant and certified
  • Free site survey and telephone consultation
  • Next-day delivery when you order by 2pm

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