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Ancillaries Equipment
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Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage

The Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage brings cutting-edge hydrogen power to your site to power hazard monitors in remote locations. Generate reliable, green energy where you need it most.

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Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage
Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage
Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage
Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage
Available for Temporary Hire
Convenient Icon

Completely Emission Free

Reduce the environmental impact of site works

Size Icon

Compact, Robust and Portable

This power source is easy to move around

Noise Control Icon

Silent Operation

Making it a great replacement for noisy and smelly diesel generators

Multi Purpose

Compatible With RVT Monitors

The Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage is suitable for use with RVT's MONITEX Monitors

Product Details

Traditionally, where there is no power on site, frisbee monitors or samples are taken of dust and then sent off to a laboratory for analysis. This means that if there is a dangerous level of dust present, you would not know until the results come back from the independent laboratory, either putting work on hold or potentially exposing workers to a serious health hazard. When there is no power on site to run monitors, the Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology of the Eco-CH2 Cabinet can provide power, allowing you to benefit from real time monitoring and instant access to data, without the hidden man hour costs of attending remote locations, and moving samples on a regular basis. The Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage is compatible with RVT's range of MONITEX Monitoring Solutions.

How does it work?

By using the BOC Hymera fuel cell, the Eco-CH2 Cabinet and Cage produces DC power from the chemical reaction between bottled hydrogen and oxygen in the air around us. The silent reaction does not involve combustion, and produces water vapour as the only on-site by-product. As such, it is perfect for reducing the environmental impacts of site works.

Unlike diesel engines, there is no CO2 released at source, or any other harmful chemicals such as Nitrous Oxides which can cause respiratory problems for those nearby. It is also near-silent in operation, making it a great replacement for noisy, smelly diesel generators. As a result, it is safe to use in enclosed areas, requiring no more ventilation than two adult men.

Boasting up to 2.5Kw of standby power, and 200W continuous power, generate reliable, green energy where you need it most. The CH2 cabinet is also suitable for other renewable inputs, such as solar PV or micro-wind, in addition to hydrogen cylinders, making it particularly useful in applications where liquid fuels are not suitable. Hydrogen, which is lighter than air, will safely dissipate into the atmosphere during a spill, rather than soaking into the ground.

Key Product Features

  • CO2 FREE from point of delivery
  • Silent operation
  • Completely emission free
  • Compact, robust and portable
  • External or ventilated Internal use
  • Suitable for Solar PV or Micro-wind input
  • No liquid fuel

Key applications

  • For monitors located in remote applications where there is no access to power

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