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Best Practice Whitepaper: Fume Control Guidance and Solutions

This comprehensive advice covers what solutions are available to effectively manage fumes, mists, gases and vapours on site. It also explains how to apply the 3C's methodology (Capture, Contain, Control).

Fumes are harmful solid particles, that can be generated by chemical reactions such as oxidisation and thermal breakdown, and are one of the main health risks facing site workers today.

Our Fume Control Guide provides you with comprehensive advice on what solutions are available for effectively managing fumes, mists, gases and vapours on site. It also explains how to apply the 3C's methodology (Capture, Contain, Control).

This booklet covers:

- Welding fumes

- Diesel particulate (DEEEs)

- Burning fumes

- Solvent vapours

- and more!

The booklet also includes a case study, explaining how fumes were controlled in a live retail environment.

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