Call us on 0808 178 3287 to discuss your hazard control requirements or send an enquiry here >
This product is designed specifically to reduce the noise levels from breaking operations onsite.
Watch this quick overview of the Soundex Cutting Enclosure
On the Thames Tideway project, RVT and Tideway collaborated to put protection into practice onsite.
This cutting enclosure can achieve up to a 32dB reduction in noise.
See how RVT’s Soundex Multi Purpose Enclosure can help you onsite.
The portable and easily transportable Dustex WandaFilta Plus can create both positive and negative pressures.
This cutting-edge dust control solution can effectively create negative pressure in an enclosed space.
For effective dust control when working in a confined space.
The Dustex B1 ATEX Vacuum is equipped with multiple attachments – clearing dust onsite has never been so easy!