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An Overview of the Hierarchy of Controls

Gain an understanding of how the hierarchy of controls can help to manage risks in the workplace such as dust, noise and fume hazards.

The hierarchy of controls helps us to tackle hazards in a structured way, starting with the most effective measures to keep people safe, progressing to the least effective. By systematically applying control measures, it mitigates the health risk on site, prevents accidents, and creates a culture based around health and safety.

This informative whitepaper delves into:

  • - The different measures that form the hierarchy of controls; Elimination, Substitution, Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls and PPE.
  • - How each layer of the hierarchy of controls can play a role in protecting people from hazards.
  • - The 3C’s® methodology, Capture, Contain and Control, and why these three elements must be considered to achieve effective health hazard control.
  • - The types of engineering controls that are available for dust, noise and fume control.

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