Protecting workers against construction dust, including; silica dust, wood dust and spores
4th October 2021The UK construction industry has in excess of 3 million workers, accounting for 7% of UK jobs. Many of these workers are exposing themselves to noise, dust, fumes and poor quality air every single day.
We are all familiar with the hierarchy of control, and understand that our first question should be around the methodology; is there a different way – a safer way – to achieve the same result? If the risk cannot be eliminated completely, and substitutes are not viable, then we are looking for an engineering control that reduces the risk.
To help promote best practice on site, and to support the HSE and HCLG's campaign to improve respiratory health on site, Skanska and RVT teamed up to produce a series of videos and photos demonstrating how engineering controls can be used to manage dust, fume and noise effectively.
Download the document below to learn how mobile LEV units, vacuums, on-tool extraction, water suppression and cutting stations can be used to protect your site teams from occupational lung disease. The document contains pictures, explanations and a link to the video.
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