Guest blog by Clare Forshaw, UK Hearing Conservation Association
17th March 2022Exposure to excessive noise can lead to a variety of often irreversible health effects; hearing loss and tinnitus (noises or ringing in the ears), it is a key factor in risk for dementia and cardiovascular disease. As well as being a stressor to the body and mind, exposures and ill health can lead to isolation, depression, and an increased chance of being involved in accidents due to distraction and loss of audibility.
In many work and leisure scenarios hearing protection devices (HPDs) such as ear plugs or earmuffs, are the only solution provided for individuals to be able to reduce noise exposure and protect their hearing and general health. However, we know from HSE research that commonly used earplugs are generally poorly fitted and that an incorrectly fitted device may give virtually no protection (HSE Research Report 720). Conversely many employers go for the highest protection device or mandate blanket HPD wearing on sites and premises. Here the issue of over protection can put workers at risk of serious accidents, injury and death.
So, if your hearing conservation programme relies on the performance of HPDs can you really be sure they are doing the job expected of them?
If we apply the same standards and principles expected for reliance on respiratory protective devices (HSG 53); the guidance talks in detail about selection that is both adequate and suitable for the hazard, environment and specifically the USER. The guidance also makes mandatory the requirement for fit testing of every type of tight-fitting RPE.
International standards are beginning to recognise the need for an agreed approach to ensuring quality and consistency in HPD fit testing and the relevant EN standard is already required to be met for all custom-made HPDs. Amendments to Annex II of the PPE Directive are also looking likely to include requirements for fit testing assurance in the future.
Given the reliance on HPDs as a commonly applied final level of protection against harmful noise, the challenges related to reliance on laboratory-based attenuation values, alongside individual behaviours in use and fit; the UKHCA supports the concept of individual fit-testing as a useful assurance methodology that could be added to an employer’s hearing conservation programme. This would provide both the user and the employer an opportunity to ensure protection being provided is as expected and the chance to coach and adapt support as necessary.
The UKHCA has produced a guidance document which aims to help companies and individuals interested in fit testing for hearing protection to understand the benefits it can bring in assuring workers health and safety. It details the methods available and the importance of selecting both adequate and suitable devices.
Download the Fit Testing for Hearing Protection Devices Guidance Document
The UK Hearing Conservation Association is an independent source of information, providing practical advice and solutions to common noise and hearing problems inside and outside the workplace.
The UKHCA was officially set up in early 2019 and we are made up of many different members who all have one thing in common: protecting hearing health from preventable causes, particularly excessive noise. Our members range from audiologists, acoustic engineers, music professionals, hearing protection manufacturers and suppliers, occupational hygienists, health and safety professionals, designers and other professional bodies and charitable associations.
For more information about the UKHCA please visit
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For enquiries on the guidance document, please email
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