Mesothelioma Action Day takes place this year on Friday 6th July 2018. An annual event with the aim of highlighting the ongoing asbestos problem that kills on average 2,500 people in the UK each year.
4th July 2018Mesothelioma Action Day takes place this year on Friday 6th July 2018. An annual event with the aim of highlighting the ongoing asbestos problem that kills on average 2,500 people in the UK each year.
The main cause of mesothelioma is by breathing in asbestos dust and it is usually fatal.
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that mainly affects the external lining of the lung and the lining of the lower digestive tract. Unfortunately, Mesothelioma is often diagnosed when the cancer is advanced which is why it results in so many fatalities.
Who does it affect?
Mesothelioma deaths today are often of people who came into contact with asbestos many years earlier. The widespread use of asbestos back in the 1950's to 1980's means that the reach of this deadly disease is huge. However, it is more often associated with occupational exposure.
In fact, according to the HSE "85% of all male mesotheliomas are attributable to asbestos exposures that occurred in occupational settings".
Mesothelioma Action Day encourages people to participate in fundraising activities to help raise much needed research funds to go towards help finding a cure.
Join us in helping to raise the awareness of this deadline disease and help charities such as the British Lung Foundation and Cancer Research UK not only ease the symptoms and improved the quality of life of those affected, but also continue their mission to find a cure.
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