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Health Hazard Control for Industry and Manufacturing Projects

It is important to protect workers from the dangerous health hazards associated with industrial operations and maintenance. Download this brochure to ensure you are fully equipped to handle whatever your next project throws at you!

The UK’s manufacturing, production and process industries encompass a broad range of areas; from food, pharmaceuticals, waste to energy, petro-chemical and everything in between. No matter what segment of the industry you are operating in, it is imperative to protect workers from the dangerous health hazards associated with industrial operations and the maintenance thereof.

This downloadable brochure provides guidance on how to;

- Provide temporary LEV systems to prevent production lines having to shutdown whilst permanent fixed LEV systems are maintained or replaced

- Ensure there is a consistent and agreed level of dust and fume management during any works

- Ensure the programme of works stays on track through climate control during grit blasting and the painting of tanks and steel structures in external environments

- Ensure the protection of client and contractor workers health through tank and vessel ventilation and the extraction of dust and fumes

Download a copy to ensure you are fully equipped to handle whatever your next project throws at you!

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