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Exclusive HSE Noise Presentation Whitepaper Graphic

Exclusive HSE Noise Presentation

At the recent ‘Action on Site Health’ event in Dunblane, Chris Steel (HSE) explained that the Health and Safety Executive will be having an inspection focus on noise control in the workplace.

Throughout 2024 - 2025, HSE inspectors will be asking 3 key questions:

1. Is there a workplace noise problem?

2. Have steps been taken to reduce the noise?

3. Is hearing protection in place and is it working?

Failure to implement adequate noise control measures on site can result in: work improvement notices, noise abatement notices, or prosecution.

One of the key takeaways from Chris Steel's presentation was around the use of hearing protection and the acronym, C.U.F.F.

C = Condition; is the hearing protection in good condition?

U = Use: are workers using the hearing protection all the times they should be?

F = Fit; does the hearing protection fit the wearer?

F = Fit for purpose; have you selected hearing protection that gives the right level of noise reduction?

To learn more about C.U.F.F. and ensure you are prepared for the next HSE inspection, download your own copy of Chris Steel's HSE noise presentation.

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