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Understanding the principles of effective heating on site

During this presentation, you will learn the negative impact that no heating or a poor drying-out programme can have on a construction project, and how to avoid severe project delays and financial losses. We will also touch upon the negative impact on morale, productivity, and the health of site workers. We will explore the different heating solutions available and discuss a real-life case study where an insufficient drying-out programme threatened the work completed on a new build project.

The learning objectives of this CPD session are;

  • To understand the importance of having an effective heating/drying-out programme on site.
  • Discover the different types of heating and humidity solutions available, and why some solutions are better suited for drying-out – taking into consideration efficiency and staff safety.
  • Learn the Effective Drying Triangle Methodology and how to implement it on site.
  • Understand what relative humidity is, and how to control it, including how to understand psychrometric charts.
  • Learn how to measure success and monitor temperature and humidity levels.

Attendees will receive a 1 hour CPD certificate upon completion.

To book this CPD course, please give us a call on 0808 178 3286 or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, submit your request using our online form.

This course can be presented both on site or via webinar.

Heating On Site
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