Case Study Overview

During the peak of summer, RVT Group Sale’s Office faced a critical challenge when the air conditioning system had to be turned off while it underwent significant upgrades.

A temporary solution was imperative to sustain comfortable working temperatures and prioritise the well-being and satisfaction of employees throughout this period.


Without air conditioning, the office was at risk of reaching uncomfortably high temperatures. This made working conditions increasingly difficult and, if left to continue, could put staff at risk of dehydration, heat stroke and other health concerns.

RVT needed to find a solution that would sustain office functionality and foster a conducive environment for the collaboration and productivity that thrives during the usual, ambient temperatures.


To address the air conditioning challenges, RVT put their own kit to the test and implemented a DUSTEX® Aire Guardian to create a smaller, contained workspace inside the uncomfortably warm office.

A VENTEX® Axial 300P Fan was connected to introduced fresh air from outside through an extended ducting system, and created a positive pressure ventilation airlock inside the newly contained work area. By integrating temporary air conditioning units as part of this controlled environment, we effectively established a sealed and secure space where cool air was contained, and hot air could not enter.

We also used MONITEX® Temperature and Relative Humidity monitors to effectively observe conditions in the newly cooled workspace and ensure ambient temperature levels were maintained.


RVT Group


Dartford, Kent

Products Used