Case Study Overview

When the University Hospital Coventry & Warwickshire (UHCW) needed essential refurbishment work, they called upon Skanska to carry out the work carefully and effectively. For the project to take place safely, Skanska worked with the RVT Group to find an effective solution for the attenuation of the noise of drilling and sawing, whilst the Clinical Team on the other side of the stud walls continued to treat patients.


Skanska had a duty to protect site workers, plus all patients and staff based at the hospital while the work took place. The works consisted of floor sawing the concrete, and then using handheld breakers to break up the concrete further. The hospital was very sensitive to noise and dust and needed the assurance that these hazards were going to be controlled effectively.


RVT provided a Soundex Multi-Purpose Acoustic Enclosure, supplemented with a DustMaster self-contained filtration unit, complete with a capture hood and intake duct. The walls of the work area were then lined using Soundex Acoustic Curtains, helping to reduce the noise travelling through the walls to the live adjoining areas.