Completed in 2021, the world famous Claridges Hotel underwent an innovative five story expansion into its subterranean space. This “iceberg basement” houses a swimming pool, gym, wine store and chocolatier, alongside new staff quarters and a conference centre. The additional 65,000ft3 sits directly beneath the Grade-II hotel’s famously decadent tea rooms and restaurants.
Hotel owners stipulated to contractor McGee that all work had to be carried out while the hotel, tea rooms and restaurants were in full operational use. Given the prestige of the hotel, guests would need to be completely undisturbed.
The project called for 30,000m3 of material to be excavated, which would produce enormous amounts of dust and would require a powerful ventilation solution. RVT proposed a solution consisting of Ventex 300M and 450S Centrifugal Fans combined with extensive ducting. RVT also provided filtering equipment for use on specific pieces of plant to control hazardous exhaust fumes within the enclosed underground spaces.
Claridges Hotel, London